A drifter designed for offshore experiments.
Endless operating time.
Extremely easy to operate; switch it on and watch your data in the LD Manager.
A drifter designed for coastal experiments.
Endless operating time.
Extremely easy to operate; switch it on and watch your data in the LD Manager.
A drifter designed for coastal and offshore experiments.
Endless operating time.
Extremely easy to operate; switch it on and watch your data in the LD Manager.
SouthTEK comercialize three kinds of drogues, depending on the level of de seize between drifter and water that you application demands.
Recharge the LiPo batteries of your drifter only with the original charger form SouthTEK.
User friendly web interface to handle your data and configure your equipment.
Provided for free to service SouthTEK devices.
Coastal & Offshore Nomad have communications already integrated to provide World Wide Service.